Education Pro — najlepszy motyw WordPress dla edukacji i LMS Elementor
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Education Pro to responsywny motyw WordPress LMS i Education z lekkimi i mniejszą liczbą wtyczek. Gotowy do użycia do celów edukacyjnych, takich jak szkoła, uniwersytet, college i wiele innych. Szablony Education Pro są tworzone za pomocą superszybkiego, lekkiego kreatora stron Elementor z funkcją przeciągania i upuszczania, dzięki czemu Twoja witryna nie będzie się mocno ładować. Dodaliśmy wiele opcji w panelu opcji motywu z frameworkiem Redux, więc nie potrzebujesz żadnej wiedzy na temat kodowania.
- Zbudowany z Redux Framework dla łatwego dostosowywania i nieskończonych opcji.
- Zbudowany z Twitter Bootstrap v4+.
- Dołączony Elementor Page Builder, który jest najlepszym lekkim narzędziem do tworzenia stron, nie spowolni Twojej strony. Posiada wiele gotowych szablonów. Możesz stworzyć ładniejszą stronę w ciągu kilku minut.
- SEO zoptymalizowane dla wyszukiwarek w sposób rozpoznawalny.
- W 100% responsywny, pięknie działa na wszystkich urządzeniach.
- Płynny efekt paralaksy.
- Piękne galerie portfolio, zoptymalizowane pod kątem komputerów stacjonarnych, laptopów, tabletów i urządzeń mobilnych.
- Zintegrowane ikony czcionek Google, Font Awesome, Flaticon i Icomoon.
- W pełni zintegrowany formularz kontaktowy 7 z gotowym stylem CSS.
- Responsywny lepki nagłówek z menu.
- Lewy – prawy układ bloga na pasku bocznym.
- Gotowy do tłumaczenia — Możesz przetłumaczyć motyw na swój własny język.
- Obsługa dostosowywania motywu WordPress.
- Dołączone niestandardowe widżety.
- Instalacja demonstracyjna jednym kliknięciem.
- Obsługa języków od prawej do lewej.
- Kompatybilny z WPML.
- Wbudowane megamenu.
Lista zmian
Version 2.6 - 25 September 2024
- Fixed: Courses are broken due to LearnPress plugin updates.
- Fixed: LearnPress design issue, breadcrumbs issue, etc.
- Fixed: LearnPress responsive issue.
- Updated: LearnPress outdated templates.
- Updated: WooCommerce outdated templates.
- Updated: Twitter Icon X.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
Version 2.5 - 20 February 2024
- Fixed: Courses are broken due to LearnPress plugin updates.
- Fixed: Some icons are not showing correctly.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
Version 2.4 - 1 April 2023
- Fixed: Courses rating stars not displayed correctly.
- Fixed: Courses pagination not displayed correctly.
- Tweak: Recent courses widget title increased, price font size decreased.
- Removed: Courses title separator.
- Removed: Recent courses widget bottom separator.
- Dev: WooCommerce templates outdated warning fixed.
Version 2.3 - 6 March 2023
- Fixed: Single course page error due to related course issue.
- Fixed: Single course price tab alignment.
- Fixed: Sidebar Box-shadow not showing properly.
- Removed: Extra white space on single course sidebar recent widget.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
Version - 5 October 2022
- Fixed: Education demo course archive/category page error.
- Fixed: Course view PHP error.
- Fixed: Course view disable when disabling the post view via Theme Options - Posts.
- Fixed: "my-account" 404 error.
- Fixed: Elementor course grid broken.
Version - 30 July 2022
- Fixed: LearnPress plugin courses archive page layout issue.
- Fixed: Courses Grid Elemenetor widget layout issue.
- Fixed: Courses Carousel Elemenetor widget layout issue.
Version 2.2.3 - 23 May 2022
- Fixed: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'addEventListener')" error appears and pagination not working on the Education courses page.
- Fixed: Courses Carousel and Courses Grid widgets throw errors while trying to edit the page via Elementor.
- Fixed: Featured badge on Courses Carousel and Courses Grid widgets not in position.
Version 2.2.2 - 22 February 2022
- Fixed: LearnPress plugin course archive page layout issue.
- Fixed: LearnPress plugin RTL issue.
- Fixed: WP default widget block RTL issue.
- Updated: LearnPress plugin template price.php.
- Updated: Redux Framework.
Version 2.2.1 - 01 October 2021
-Fixed: Education Pro Core plugin PHP error while trying to install on PHP version lower or upper than 7.4.
Version 2.2 - 09 September 2021
- Fixed: LearnPress single course sidebar error.
- Fixed: LearnPress course widget thumbnail, title showing not correctly.
- Updated: LearnPress templates.
Version 2.1 - 01 September 2021
- Integrated: One Click Demo Import plugin to import demo data without any errors. Please install the plugin via WP Dashboard, Education Pro, Manage plugins.
- Integrated: Education Pro Core and Slider Revolution plugins included in the theme directory to avoid time execution cURL error whose server set less time.
- Fixed: LearnPress all courses page not showing all courses.
- Fixed: LearnPress single course sidebar issue.
- Fixed: Profile Elemenetor widget social icon not showing correctly.
- Fixed: Notice: WP_Scripts::localize was called incorrectly.
- Fixed: RTL mode course except text not aligned correctly.
- Fixed: RTL mode course featured badge position was not correct.
- Developer: Set locale for changing the comma to decimal avoid brakes of Elementor generated CSS style.
- Updated: Redux Core.
Version 2.0.4 - 25 May 2021
- Integrated: Theme automatic updates.
- Fixed: Admin console JS error("TypeError: jQuery(...).typeWatch is not a function").
- Fixed: Course star ratings do not display correctly.
- Fixed: LearnPress plugin v4.0+ compatible issue.
- Fixed: "Course Grid" and "Course Carousel" Elemenetor widget broken.
- Fixed: Courses RTL issue.
- Added: Minimum Height option on Course Gird and Course Carousel Elemenetor widgets.
- Removed: Theme sidebar for LearnPress because LearnPress plugin added their sidebars so that will be used instead.
- Updated: Redux Core.
Version 2.0.3 - 26 March 2021
- Fixed: Elementor Testimonial, Profile Carousel widgets not displaying.
- Updated: Redux Core.
Version 2.0.2 - 15 October 2020
- New: Driving School demo.
- Fixed: Missing icons after the imported demo.
- Fixed: Without uploading brochure image, a single class page shows a PHP error.
- Fixed: Single teacher page empty skilled box showing when there is no value for those fields.
- Tweak: Classes sidebar name can be changed via Theme Options Classes Name.
- Tweak: Teachers' sidebar name can be changed via Theme Options Teachers Name.
- Tweak: Added all post types list on EP Posts Gallery widget.
- Tweak: Added all post types list on EP Recent Posts widget.
- Updated: Redux Core.
Version 2.0.1 - 1 October 2020
- Added: Search field on Theme Options panel.
- Fixed: Elementor plugin not downloading.
- Updated: Documentation.
Version 2.0 - 29 September 2020
Not update-able from any old version.
- Migrated: Bootstrap 3.7 to 4+
- Integrated: Redux plugin to our core plugin.
- Integrated: Line-Awesome Icon fonts.
- Integrated: Full RTL support.
- Added: More header styles.
- Added: Sidebar for Page, Classes, Teachers, LearnPress, WooCommerce, Side Menu.
- Added: Extra two-footer widgets at Top and Bottom area.
- Added: Categories widget for the custom post type.
- Added: Custom post type for Posts Gallery widget.
- Added: Custom post type for Recent Posts widget.
- Added: More social media icons.
- Recode All Elementor widgets.
- Recode Theme files.
- Improved: Loading speed.
Important Note: We have made many major changes and migrated Bootstrap to the latest version which will break down the previous version layout and you will lose all your current works built with our Elementor widgets and Theme Options settings. So version 2.0 is not upgradeable from any previous version.
Version 1.1 - 5 July 2019
New Demo Released.
Version 1.0 - 5 February 2019
Theme Released.
Liczba recenzji dla tego produktu 6
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