Craftorious - Шаблон электронной коммерции MotoCMS для магазина подарков ручной работы
Craftorius v1.1 2020-07-02
- There was implemented a new Advanced Image widget that enables specifying description text for images, creating links inside of it and adjusting its location. Also, hovering over the widget, now you have the opportunity to change the image, add transparency and select animations for images changing, which will make your site more attractive to visitors;
- The was added the opportunity of visual editing and styling of the following widgets: Related Products, Authorization, Forgot Password, Registration, Checkout, Account, Product Properties, Comparison List, Shopping Card;
- There was added a new Counter widget, which allows adding a smooth animated counter to the site page;
- Google Search was added to the admin panel. It includes 2 widgets - Google Search and Google Search Results. Now you can add a powerful search tool to your website and give users the freedom to discover your indexed content on a click;
- Updated to the newest MotoCMS 3 version;
- Bugs fixed.
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